Monday, May 18, 2015

PG Blackburns Thriving

 I decided to update you all since Dennis will be under commission with the new events in our life. I'm sure you'd rather hear from your brother, but an in-law update is better than no update?

Reed - I'm going to copy your style and try to keep it organized.

Latest happenings:
Dennis -
Job - Job is going really well (I think - Dennis isn't always an open book). He is as busy as ever and running several jobs in Salt Lake, Utah County and Park City. He has established a great rapport with his boss and the two other project managers. They play ping pong several times a week as a release for their stressful jobs. Dennis is always coming home with welts all over his body, because losers have to stand with their shirts off and get hit with the ping pong. Aside from the ping pong, E-Green is doing well and a thriving company. Dennis is always speaking Spanish on his phone and has a great relationship with all the Mexican laborers. He treats them well and they respect him.
Ashley -
Job - I'm finally going part time in July! My work finally came around and let me go part time. I've been asking since last fall and knew if I just stuck it out we'd have a good situation where i'm still making an income and able to work from home exclusively. Starting June 1, I am able work from home full time, then will go part time in July, working 3 days a week. We are seriously indebted for eternity to Debi and Becky for watching Emery. Debi has been watching her for 2 + years now and has never complained once. She is amazing and we're SO grateful Emery had her grandma to watch her. We are also eternally indebted to Becky for watching Emery on Mondays. Emery is obsessed with little Debi and wants to be at her house 24/7. She gets SO bored being with me and Dennis. We're really boring. So again huge THANKS to Debi and Becky for helping us out so much. And Bonnie and Amber for the days they watched Emery, when Debi was out of town. Thanks so much!

Interests/Hobbies as of late:
Dennis -
He hasn't been mountain biking much as of late, because of the rain and because his body is falling apart. We both have like 85 year old bodies. We like to watch TV at night and ice all our ailments. His neck has been really bad for the past six months or so. We are looking for a miracle worker. Anyone know of one? He still works out 2-3 times a week and maintains that dashing physique of his! :) But he just decided he might dabble with yoga instead. To help with his stress from his job and his rickety body.
Ashley -
Haven't been riding my bike much these dates with being pregnant. Still trying to get work outs in when I can and not be totally out of shape by the time the second baby comes. I'm 22 weeks (5 months along) and feeling great these days. The pregnancy has been a night and day difference compared to the last one. Diclegis is a miracle drug! No nausea and no side effects with it.

Book: we are reading the Crucible of Doubt together. It's a pretty amazing book. It is very well written and very eye opening. If you're looking for a good religious book, I definitely recommend it!

House: we are under contract on a home in South Jordan! We put in an offer last week and the sellers accepted our offer, even after they were given a better offer than ours. I guess they were compelled to sell us their house because of the AMAZING letter I wrote persuading them to choose us. Ha. The house was built in 1979 and it going to need a lot of work. Before we move in, we are renovating the kitchen, family area, bathroom and upstairs room to make it more livable. The house is on a great lot in an awesome neighborhood. We are right by the Jordan River Temple. We are really eager to start working on the house and will be looking for renters for our current home! Mary and Trenton - still interested in renting our PG town house? :) We are probably looking to move July or August depending on when we can get the renovations complete. Dennis will do all the renovating he can on his own and will be completely immersed in construction the next few months. He's excited but also stressed. :)

Last but not least Emery:
Emery is quite the character. She is so full of personality. Dennis and I wonder where she comes from. We were both pretty shy/quiet kids growing up, and she has an explosive personality. She might get it from my mother. She is never afraid to approach any kid on the playground and say "Want to play with me?" She has no fear and so much confidence! It's great and I hope it continues as she gets older. She is starting preschool and dance in the fall. She is SO excited. She sees little Debi going to and from preschool and is INSANELY jealous. She is also very excited for the new baby to come. She asks every day how big the baby is. She loves to kiss my tummy and give her little sister big hugs. She has such a tender heart and so much compassion. She always cries in movies when a little character is sad. Dennis and I are so in love with our little Emery. I feel so lucky to be blessed with her.

Whelp. That sums up our life as of late. A lot of good things going on. I cannot complain at all! Things are great and we feel overwhelmingly blessed in our lives. Hope to see you guys soon.


  1. Some thoughts on your post
    1-While you say you don't know where Emery gets her strong personality from, I definitely know where she gets her tears from, the sensitive and tender prodigal son himself.
    2-Do you guys seriously watch tv at night and ice your bodies? We're getting too old. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have pains in my body all the time that I used to never get.
    3-I am all about yoga. That stuffs awesome. I am a little jealous of how big Dennis has gotten, I want to weight train in the summer, but not if it breaks down my body
    4-Congrats on the house!!!!!!!!!!! How far is it from us? Like ten minutes. Tell Dennis I can help him in the summer, but I do have some stipulations. A. He must be patient with me. B. He must trust me. C. He must be ok if I make mistakes. If he's OK with that I want to help. I seriously could learn so much from him and need to learn some of that stuff.
    5-What does renovate mean? Does that mean it has to be fixed before you can live in it?
    6-So happy to hear the preganancy is going well for you. Emery will be a great older sister to Olaf.

  2. I just read this...can't tell you how impressed I am that you would write here, Ashley. Seriously, if anyone wants to make points with me, this is the way to my heart!
    Really liked your post....I see you and Dennis kind of regularly with Emery's comings and goings, but there's much to learn when someone sits down and thinks it through and writes down a description of their life. You guys seem to be doing so well. I am so grateful that you are in a happier place than you have been in the past... Keep working at it (everything)....cuz as we all know, it's WORK! Love you....

  3. I just read this...can't tell you how impressed I am that you would write here, Ashley. Seriously, if anyone wants to make points with me, this is the way to my heart!
    Really liked your post....I see you and Dennis kind of regularly with Emery's comings and goings, but there's much to learn when someone sits down and thinks it through and writes down a description of their life. You guys seem to be doing so well. I am so grateful that you are in a happier place than you have been in the past... Keep working at it (everything)....cuz as we all know, it's WORK! Love you....
