Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Don't know how Fast Sunday got away from me....I was home for most of the day (unless I was at church or doing Relief Society work), but got lost in some geneology research.  I get very little actually accomplished - the temple work is so done - but I find the actual histories and stories SOOOOO interesting...I get lost in them.  Anyway, that and my early onset Alzheimers is why I didn't post yesterday.  
So, I'll just try to give you a little update of the last month.  The month of August was pretty low key.  I try to stay busy and productive, and mostly succeed in not feeling bored or lonely.  Most of you are pretty up to date on my life, so I'll try not to give too much detail or be too boring.
The month began with the departure of Phil and Kathryn and family, after a couple of wonderful weeks with them.  You were great to gather and show love and support during these busy family days!
I slipped out to a Bateman reunion that evening, on August 1.  It was nice for me...got to reconnect with some cousins that I have felt close to.  For those of you that don't know, the Batemans are the family that my grandmother (Nana) came from.  She was one of ten children in this family from West Jordan.  They have a rich heritage of hardworking, faithful people.  Theirs are some of the geneology stories that inspire me.  I hope you will check out familysearch.com from time to time and read some of their histories.  THey have left a great legacy.
That next Tuesday I began my service at the Provo Temple.  I work in the office, answering questions from patrons and helping by printing and cutting up family file names.  I am impressed by the huge efforts so many go to to make sure their family members receive temple blessings.  It's actually very good.  At a time when it seems there is much evil in the world, it gives me a sweet feeling to know there are so many REALLY GOOD PEOPLE out there.

Bonnie and Greg went on a cruise this week, and on Wednesday Greg's mom delivered little June to me to be tended til the next Monday.  We had a fun few days.  She really is an easy child, but I was surprised at what an adjustment it was for me to give her 24/7 care.  I guess I'm getting old, or spoiled, cuz I've had so much freedom.  I spent years juggling multiple children requiring lots of care, but but I guess I'm not quite as good a juggler as I used to be.  Still, we had some great bonding time...it was our Stake COnference weekend and she went with me to that with no problem.  However, as her visit was coming to an end, I was dismayed to get a phone call from Tammy in California, saying that Travis, home in Price, was very very sick.  I guess he'd had a series of episodes of very high fevers, followed by broken fevers, then a buildup to high fevers again.  I was very worried about him, especially since he was all alone.  Monday was a blur of phone calls and monitoring of Trav's state, while I tended June and arranged to get Phil, who happened to be visiting Price this day, over to Trav's house to check on him.  Sterling Potter saved us ( as he has done so many times over the years) by seeing Trav first thing MOnday morning.  He prescribed a powerful antibiotic, ran some tests, and sent him home.  But he stayed in touch with Trav, which was most comforting, knowing someone was monitoring the situation.  After Phil payed Trav a visit, He indicated that he didn't think Travis should stay alone this night.  Another round of things to consider.  Reed was willing to go down, tho it would not be super easy for him, but I somehow felt that it should be me.  So, after picking up Bonnie and Greg from the airport, and reuniting them with sweet June, I headed down to Price Monday night.  I found Trav doing better, but still anxious about the possible return of the dreaded fever.  Hence, I was glad to be there, just for backup in case.  I straightened the house a bit, put clean sheets on his bed, and finally fell into the top bunk in Matthews room.  Funny.  Trav slept decently that night, for the first time in several nights, and the fever did not return.  I tried to leave him comfortable, convinced that the worst was over, and headed back to Orem about 11:00, rushing to get back for my temple shift.  Trav continued to slowly improve, tho Sterling warned him he would "feel like he got run over by a truck" for the next week or so.  Trav's plan to join his family in California had to be adjusted....left at the crack of dawn Friday morning instead of the Tuesday before.  But as sick as he was, it was pretty remarkable that he got out of here at all.  He salvaged  a couple of days with his family in California before they had to return to Utah
On AUgust 13, Becky and Debra and I went up to a wedding shower for the girl who is marrying Spencer Pond.  It was held in Todd's back yard.  It was a nice night among the Blackburns, still dear to us all.
On this Saturday night, the 15th, my cousin Diane and I accepted an invitation to a gathering of singles like ourselves at a friend's house.  She is very active and very comfortable in the singles scene (I have worked with here in the temple), and after several invitations to miscellaneous events, we decided to sample this one.  I'm just here to say the scene is not comfortable for me!  Still, as social as I am, I do like friends and enjoy meeting people, so I tried to think of it as just for that purpose, and it wasn't too bad.  
That Sunday we gathered for dinner, and were happy to have Conor Blackburn and family join us.  THey are such pleasant, kind people, we loved having them and their two children join us.  The only thing that made me mad was that this should have been the day we celebrated Ashley's birthday, which would have been later in the month.  Can I just plead Alzheimers?  I kicked myself when I remembered....Never fear, Ashley, we WILL remember you for your birthday!  We love you and want to recognize you.  Now, as I write this, I am aware that I missed another opportunity as we celebrated Labor Day,  We should have had a BIRTHDAY PARTY!  But please do not fear, Ashley, your day WILL COME, and we WILL CELEBRATE YOU...
The next  weekend was the Blackburn reunion in Loa.  It was super nice.  Five of my eight kids got there.  THe others were excused...Mindy, well, her excuse is pretty obvious.  Travis was barely home from California and still exhausted from that effort, and Phil was at the end of a very long road to Denver.  Still, I thought we did splendid getting ourselves there.  I am actually impressed at how attached I feel to these people, who are my husband's family.  Families can be knit together in love...I hope my daughters and sons in laws can feel that same closeness as our years together pass.
We arrived Friday night, and got to stay in a real cowboy hotel, The Broken Spur Inn, run by some Blackburn cousins, and managed a couple of hikes on Saturday morning before the reunion began Saturday afternoon.  It was lots of hugging and laughing and eating the most wonderful potluck food ever.  We came home Saturday night tired, but rewarded for our efforts.
A quiet Sunday, in which I got a new Bishop.  I fear it will not be the same without my old Bishop, whom I loved dearly.  I wonder at how much time I will still serve as RS President....it has been 3 1/2
The next week involved a trip to Price to protest the raising of my taxes on the two offices I own there.  Had to sit across from four men and plead my case.  Held my ground, and got substantial concessions, which was only fair.
That Friday night (the 28th) we went to Hyrum's birthday party, which was well chronicled in Reed's post  So fun to see his sweet  little personality develop...such a good boy!
On Saturday afternoon of this week ( the 29th), Travis and Tammy brought their children up and left them with me for a little while as they tried to get a little break by going to dinner and a movie for their anniversary celebration.  Hard to eek out even a few hours... Emery came a little later, and would stay with me til Sunday, as I would tend her while her parents were trying to celebrate Ashley's birthday in Park City.  So we invited the Griffins over and had a party.  The kids seem to enjoy each other and get along so well...with the possible exception of Katelin, who, still, is getting better!
Sunday took Emery and I to church, soon after which Dennis came by and picked up Emery. I had two ecclesiastical interviews, with the Bishop and Stake President today.  Have registered for a class at BYU....an Art History class.  Have to have an ecclesiastical endorsement to attend!  Are you serious?  Felt really stupid answering questions about obeying the dress code, staying morally clean, etc.  Passed.  Whew!
So last week brought a slight cooling and a hint that fall might be around the corner.  But then that is September, so I will save that for next month.  Everyone seems to be coping with life in our family.  We are waiting anxiously for the arrival of Ashley's baby  We are excited to have another sweet infant in our family.  
I might also mention that as this month passed, I read the Book of Mormon along with other family members.  Loved this experience!  Somehow it felt like reading that together put us on the same road, the same path, as we are working at returning to our Father in Heaven.  Made me feel good.
Love to you all....hope your days and weeks and months are passing in happiness and goodness.
A few random pictures from my month:

 Showing Kathryn that I CAN have a clean fridge....sent the week after they returned to Denver

                                                 June takes a bath at Nana's house


Sam and Eli get braces....misery loves company

Infamous shot of our brave hike...seriously, I was impressed, esp with Ashley!

and just a few more...

Just thought I'd leave you with this message on Facebook from
Education Week.  Wise counsel......

1 comment:

  1. Love the president packer quote. Thanks for the update.was the singles gathering for men too?
