Sunday, January 11, 2015


So, this will be short but I wanted to share with those of you not here...our birthday party tonight.  January is a big birthday month for our family, and since it generally quiets down in January, we usually get a chance to honor the birthday people.  THe only thing I feel bad about is that the June, July and August birthdays usually get the shaft cuz there are SO MANY of them, and there always seems to be SO MUCH going on that time of year.  So, we resolved tonight to do justice to our summer birthdays...a real commitment to give them the honor and recognition they so richly deserve (I'm laying it on thick, aren't I?) when the time comes.  We entertained the thought of making each day in Mexico a birthday for a different deserving birthday person, and celebrating in style.  Hold me to it, will you?
Anyway, about tonight.  Mindy, you will be happy to know that in an effort to connect with you, I made the same birthday cake recipe that you guys had on YOUR birthday.  Were you feeling the connection tonight?  We did the same old routine:  dinner (lasagna, cuz I heard this week it is a "comfort food"and I figured everyone could use some comfort), wishes, cake, candles.  We gave wishes to all January birthdays:  Becky, Reed, Amber, and even Aguette.  It was just so nice.  We sat around in the living room and watched June and Hyrum lying on a blanket next to each other on the floor.  They are so cute in their development...their personalities are emerging and they captivate us all.    I only wish I had taken more pictures!  In the future, I will remember this blog, and be sure to do so.  Meanwhile, our hearts are with you who were not here...Tammy & Trav, Phil & Kathryn, Mindy & Ben and families....We love you!

Next time I will take more than one picture for sure!  What happened to Becky and why is Sheri Dew in this picture?

Ten minutes before this, about 8 people were huddled around this game that Phil & Kathryn gave to Bonnie & Greg for Christmas.  They loved it!

December Happenings

So fun to have a family blog up and running!  Mom has a great idea on rotating turns, and I think she should pitch it to the family!

We are really enjoying our time here.  It gets better and better… that's just the nature of this military lifestyle.  The first year in a new place is typically very challenging, the second year you become more comfortable, and by the third year into your station you are feeling VERY much at home.  I'm glad that we are at this stage.  It's awesome and now I don't want to leave here!

Anyway, we really had a wonderful month of December, once we got readjusted to the jet lag that is.  That was KILLER. 

  I absolutely love Christmas in Germany.  It's so festive as each city, town, village, and even some of the castles have their own unique Christmas markets where they sell all sorts of fabulous woodwork, made right here in Germany from ornaments to nutcrackers to pyramids (like what we got Mom) and much much more.  They also sell super yummy food and treats, mulled wine, and kinderpunsch (the kid version of mulled wine, minus the alcohol, which is what we always get).  Many of the markets also have rides and activities for the kids.  So, next Christmas will be our last one in Germany, and if you haven't come to see me yet, you might want to consider coming during the holidays… it's so fun here!

One of the many many MANY booths at the Christmas markets
During December we did two mini overnight excursions, one to Ulm (birthplace of Einstein) and one to St. Gallen, Switzerland.

 The actual week from Christmas to New Year's Day was super relaxing.  We didn't go anywhere.. and it snowed!  Our post has some amazing hills and we went sledding a ton with the girls.  Even James got in on the action.  I baked and cooked a lot, which was fun.  I picked up a copy of that Christmas cook book Mom bought at Deseret Book and they have a great easy homemade salsa recipe.  Leading up to Christmas I baked cookies and made rolls, wassail, homemade hot chocolate, and a pork roast on Christmas Day.  It was really nice how Christmas fell on a Thursday this year… so Ben got Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the 26th off, and then it just flowed into the weekend.  Then he worked three days the next week and then got New Year's Day off (Thursday) and then the rest of that weekend. It was so nice to have the kids out of school and Ben around.  I just loved it.  We were thinking about it and we've never had this kind of break over the holidays where we weren't traveling or moving.  

So, leading up to Christmas, we hosted a neighbor Christmas party.  It was a lot of work building up for it, but was worth it in the end. We sat around and ate salsa and wassail and hot chocolate and lots of other goodies the others brought.  We sang Christmas songs around the piano.The kids had a blast running around with each other.  It was nice, none of them are LDS, but it's nice to have them in our home, hopefully they can feel the spirit in our home.

Ben got to go to Bastogne for the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge… he went with some guys from work.  They did a 20 km walk/march on the actual anniversary, through the woods where the battle was fought and came across all of these hardcore re-enactors, so cool.   And bonus… it snowed!

Re-enactors.  It looks like a movie set, doesn't it?

We went to Ulm and visited their fun Christmas market and climbed to the very top of the cathedral… it has the highest spire in ALL of Europe… it was 786 steps to the top (The Eiffel Tower was only 666 by comparison).  All three kids did it.  Em leading the charge, C crying all the way, and J on Ben's back.  

Getting closer to the top!

This is the entrance to the needlepoint spire at the very tippy, tippy top.  So tight, plus a two way staircase meaning when someone came down it was almost impossible to squeeze past

View from the top… so worth it, right?  Now I would say yes. 

It was SUPER windy and cold up top.  C, NOT a fan. 

  That's the Danube River… you know the famous Waltz on the Danube by Strauss?
Inside the cathedral at the altarpiece. 

Train at the Christmas market

We also went to St. Gallen, Switzerland. I wrote more about this trip and posted a ton more pictures on my blog:

This is where Maria Magdalena Mauchle came from, our great-great-great grandmother.  We went Dec. 23-24, just a 2.5 hour drive from Stuttgart.

Most likely the river where they were baptized, New Year's Day, 1863 (same day as Emancipation Proclamation)

Surrounding area:

Came home Christmas Eve Day (after a visit to the pediatric ER for Em's ear infection… ugh!).  We summoned our strength and did a nativity… C played Mary and INSISTED I play Joseph.  So twisted. And Ben played the lowly donkey. 

So Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!  

Try to have fun without me at the birthday dinner!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fast Sunday...or a Welcome Slow Sunday


Yes, this has been the first slow day in a LONG LONG time, and I am enjoying it (wouldn't want itevery day, tho!)
I feel like the roller coaster began the end of October, when Debra and I took a little road trip with Trenton and Mary to Denver, where we joined Phil and family for Jensen's baby blessing.  It was lots of miles, and a quick trip, but it was oh so good to be there!  It helped that Trent did almost all of the driving...don't know what I was thinking when I planned to go alone with Debra!  We got home Sunday night, and I left Tuesday morning for Israel.  After that amazing trip, I returned to a few days of recovery before Mindy and children arrived from Germany.  I didn't have a real firm footing yet, and never did regain it through all of the holidays!
Mindy's visit was fast and frenzied and a great blessing.  Mindy had made a huge effort to get here, and I felt like her siblings tried their best to make it worth her trip.   Phil and his family arrived for Thanksgiving week and the schedule escalated:  gatherings were ongoing as we tried to make the most of our  time together...gathered siblings, gathered cousins, gathered babies, gathered everyone, countless meals, over and over again.  Oh, and don't forget to throw coughs and runny noses into the mix.    Thanksgiving Point, movies, Jumping place, game nights, shopping, Pizza Pie Cafe, Temple Square (never again on Thanksgiving weekend) and never ending meals...the biggest and grandest of course being on Thanksgiving Day, when we were blessed with Ben's arrival from Germany, and a new family member, Aguette.    It was all gloriously exhausting, and I wouldn't have had it any other way (with the exception of Travis and his family joining us).   Phil's family headed home, then Mindy's and Christmas was staring down it's barrel at us.  Decorating, shopping, wrapping, mailing packages,  partying, Christmas carding (my first time in three years).... the roller coaster was in full swing.  Throw in a couple of ward funerals, and the scene was complete.
The days got so busy that my journal keeping, which I have been so faithful at for so many years, came to a I suppose this will be the closest I come to a record of those days.
Oh, how we loved having Mindy's children around, then to be joined by Phil's.  The cousin bonding was in full bloom, and it was precious to watch.  So many personalities, so many funny and cute and wonderful ways, so much joy.  Things are so hectic when you're in the middle of it, you don't appreciate it fully until you reflect on it, as I have done.
And, of yes, there were the BABIES!  Three of them!  Beautiful, perfect, blessed babies.  Getting them all here safe and sound involved no small effort and a few worries along the way, but here they are, and we are SO GRATEFUL for them.
Might I also mention tho it was nice to have Dennis & Ashley BOTH at our family gatherings TOGETHER?!?  It was nice to sense their happiness at having their family restored.  They have had many prayers offered in their behalf....
OK, that's a wrap for now. Since Christmas, I have attended Wilson's temple sealing in Idaho Falls, given a Relief Society lesson, reorganized Visiting Teaching, celebrated New Years Eve with friends, and partied with you all (finally got Tammy & Trav and family with us!) on New Years Day.  I'll post a few random pics, taken over the last few months...hope it all works!

Oh, and lest you think our gatherings will EVER come to an end, I'd love to have you all next SUnday at 5 for a birthday dinner for Reed and Beck.  Mindy and Phil...send your wishes and we will read them!
Cousins in Denver....raking leaves!
Hyrum's Blessing Day
And the cousins begin to gather....

The Big Red Van....put to good use!
Curious Cousins at Curiosity Museum

Lining Up for Dinner

In the Jaws of a Blow up Monster


And oh, yeah, lest you think I don't have a life other than kids and grandkids (tho of course that is my #1 life) I will post the pic of my New Years Eve celebration at cousin Diane's....We had crab for dinner and played Rook...great stress buster!

And stay tuned next month for a report on our trip Jan 16 to Dominican Republic.  Those gals and me....go ahead, be jealous

Julie, Diane, Lorrie and Me....Forgot how fun it is to play Rook! Let's take Rook cards to Mexico