Monday, May 18, 2015

PG Blackburns Thriving

 I decided to update you all since Dennis will be under commission with the new events in our life. I'm sure you'd rather hear from your brother, but an in-law update is better than no update?

Reed - I'm going to copy your style and try to keep it organized.

Latest happenings:
Dennis -
Job - Job is going really well (I think - Dennis isn't always an open book). He is as busy as ever and running several jobs in Salt Lake, Utah County and Park City. He has established a great rapport with his boss and the two other project managers. They play ping pong several times a week as a release for their stressful jobs. Dennis is always coming home with welts all over his body, because losers have to stand with their shirts off and get hit with the ping pong. Aside from the ping pong, E-Green is doing well and a thriving company. Dennis is always speaking Spanish on his phone and has a great relationship with all the Mexican laborers. He treats them well and they respect him.
Ashley -
Job - I'm finally going part time in July! My work finally came around and let me go part time. I've been asking since last fall and knew if I just stuck it out we'd have a good situation where i'm still making an income and able to work from home exclusively. Starting June 1, I am able work from home full time, then will go part time in July, working 3 days a week. We are seriously indebted for eternity to Debi and Becky for watching Emery. Debi has been watching her for 2 + years now and has never complained once. She is amazing and we're SO grateful Emery had her grandma to watch her. We are also eternally indebted to Becky for watching Emery on Mondays. Emery is obsessed with little Debi and wants to be at her house 24/7. She gets SO bored being with me and Dennis. We're really boring. So again huge THANKS to Debi and Becky for helping us out so much. And Bonnie and Amber for the days they watched Emery, when Debi was out of town. Thanks so much!

Interests/Hobbies as of late:
Dennis -
He hasn't been mountain biking much as of late, because of the rain and because his body is falling apart. We both have like 85 year old bodies. We like to watch TV at night and ice all our ailments. His neck has been really bad for the past six months or so. We are looking for a miracle worker. Anyone know of one? He still works out 2-3 times a week and maintains that dashing physique of his! :) But he just decided he might dabble with yoga instead. To help with his stress from his job and his rickety body.
Ashley -
Haven't been riding my bike much these dates with being pregnant. Still trying to get work outs in when I can and not be totally out of shape by the time the second baby comes. I'm 22 weeks (5 months along) and feeling great these days. The pregnancy has been a night and day difference compared to the last one. Diclegis is a miracle drug! No nausea and no side effects with it.

Book: we are reading the Crucible of Doubt together. It's a pretty amazing book. It is very well written and very eye opening. If you're looking for a good religious book, I definitely recommend it!

House: we are under contract on a home in South Jordan! We put in an offer last week and the sellers accepted our offer, even after they were given a better offer than ours. I guess they were compelled to sell us their house because of the AMAZING letter I wrote persuading them to choose us. Ha. The house was built in 1979 and it going to need a lot of work. Before we move in, we are renovating the kitchen, family area, bathroom and upstairs room to make it more livable. The house is on a great lot in an awesome neighborhood. We are right by the Jordan River Temple. We are really eager to start working on the house and will be looking for renters for our current home! Mary and Trenton - still interested in renting our PG town house? :) We are probably looking to move July or August depending on when we can get the renovations complete. Dennis will do all the renovating he can on his own and will be completely immersed in construction the next few months. He's excited but also stressed. :)

Last but not least Emery:
Emery is quite the character. She is so full of personality. Dennis and I wonder where she comes from. We were both pretty shy/quiet kids growing up, and she has an explosive personality. She might get it from my mother. She is never afraid to approach any kid on the playground and say "Want to play with me?" She has no fear and so much confidence! It's great and I hope it continues as she gets older. She is starting preschool and dance in the fall. She is SO excited. She sees little Debi going to and from preschool and is INSANELY jealous. She is also very excited for the new baby to come. She asks every day how big the baby is. She loves to kiss my tummy and give her little sister big hugs. She has such a tender heart and so much compassion. She always cries in movies when a little character is sad. Dennis and I are so in love with our little Emery. I feel so lucky to be blessed with her.

Whelp. That sums up our life as of late. A lot of good things going on. I cannot complain at all! Things are great and we feel overwhelmingly blessed in our lives. Hope to see you guys soon.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Hey Mindy and Mom, here's our family update

1-Thrilled school is almost over.
2-Cannot wait for school to be over
3-Is it summer time yet
4-It's been a crazy year for me and I've loved it but it's also been exhausting.  I'll be forever grateful for the one year I've had to teach history.  I'm glad I took on the extra class and right now am teaching the Civil War.  Of course I think about Dad all the time as I teach about Lincoln, Lee, Jackson, Gettysburg and everything else that goes with it.
5-Preparing for meetings tomorrow and Tuesday for seminary where I will finally get some info on the finality of what will happen for me during the summer and next year.  I do know that I'll be teaching either at East, Skyline, or Olympus.
6-I love being a Dad to Hyrum.  He's the highlight of every one of my days.  I love coming home to him, taking him from Mommy and going on a walk.
7-Watching the playoffs when he can.  Cheering for a Hawks Warriors final.  Two teams that play team basketball.  Hates the superstar mentality that people say you have to have to win an NBA championship.
8-Loving the Cubs!  2015, this is their year.
9-Loves teaching gospel doctrine.  Today's lesson was on the Prodigal Son.  I talked about Dennis the whole time (J/K but since he doesn't get on here it won't even matter)  I actually used a talk from conference and felt like it was one of my best lessons I've given.  Also the 10 lepers and the importance of saying thank you.

1-Full time and happy Mom.  Loves waking up to Hyrum and spending the days with him
2-Keeps herself busy by hanging out with other moms during the week, seeing Nana now and again, and visiting grandma's in Taylorsville and Salt Lake.
3-Her good friend is named Laura. they go to the gym together and mostly just chat.  Laura's fun to talk to because she has 3 crazy kids that have even crazier stories.  Amber listens and tells me and we discuss that we never want Hyrum to become a teenager.
4-Loves her book club.  Just read Edenbrooke, a proper romance!
5-Just planted her garden and fixed a sprinkler head Reed ran over with a tiller
6-Just bought a armoire on KSL yesterday and excited to re-finish it
7-Preparing for a visit from Dad and sister who are coming in from West Virgina.  They have never met Hyrum
8-Staying busy with Young Women, revving up for camp.  Worried they might release her 1st counselor who she has come to rely and lean on heavily and who is a dear friend.

1-Scoots and rolls all over the place, so close to crawling but can't quite do it still.
2-Surprising Mom and Dad with his strength.  Can pull himself up and stand with assistance from a table, crib, couch, etc.  yesterday Mom put him down in the crib and when she turned around he had pulled himself up and was standing.  Time to lower the crib mattress.  Crazy!
3-Generally a happy boy, generally sleeps good, eats well.
4-Becoming attached to Mom?  It's a fear Mom and Dad have, he brings so much joy to others, we don't want him to grow attached to Mom and Dad and not go to others.
5-Doesn't say any consonants yet, I know Dad really wants me to say Da-da though because he says that word to me 1,000 times a day.

Other Stuff
1-Amber's Uncle is recovering.  Still in the hospital but alert and awake.  We're hoping it's a blessing in disguise for that family

Monday, May 4, 2015


Well, I am at Mom's house and she is forcing me to write an entry.  I only have a few minutes though, so it will be brief.

Our lives are good.  Very, very busy right now.  It is May and we are all so ready for school to be out.  Lizzy, Rachel and Matt are all in soccer.  I coach Lizzy's team and Tammy signed up to Coach Matt's team.  However, Tammy decided she didn't want to do it, so I am coaching Matt's team.  Matt isn't much of a soccer player though.  He will run for about 2 seconds and they decide he is tired and just look around.  It's so frustrating.

The weather has turned warm.  We will be planting our garden next week.  It will be nice to have fresh vegetables again.

Our kids are good.  all growing up.  Katelynn is still a monster, but is at least starting to sleep better.  Lizzy turns 10 in a couple weeks.  Crazy.

Well, I better get going.  I will try to write a longer post later.  Can't wait to see everyone in Mexico



Ok, what's really lame is that I started this earlier tonight, then got so incredibly tired that I couldn't write anything sensible, so in my semi conscious state I exited out assuming my draft would be saved.  But, alas, it is no where to be found, so I guess I'm back to square one.  Don't want to think of how many times I've done that!  
So the house is quiet.  Trav and his family are staying the night . That brings the grand total to 16 of people who have spent the night in the last four nights.  On THursday night, Phil was passing through town and I was thrilled to have have him come, along with Nedra, Lori Pond, Laura Duzett and a random friend, They were.keeping with the tradition of staying with me when the come down to the BYU Women's Conference.  We had a nice night of visiting and catching up, and several of your came to join in. Some  were heading to the 9:30 premiere of "The Avengers, Part whatever,:  so you  stopped to visit on youir way.   I am always happy to have company, and tonight was no different, except I have this sinus infection (or whatever it is!) that is driving me nuts.  I have had it for like a month.  I travelled all through Germany and Italy with it.  Finally, on Friday morning, after all my company had left,   I snuck in a trip to the Doctor.  She looked at me 5 minutes and prescribed a powerful antibiotic, a "Z-pack'"  Well, today was the third day taking that; I wish I could see a difference.  I'm not terribly sick, just dragging and tired all the time.  I hate that!  Makes me realize how good it is to feel good, which is what I do most of the time!
My next round of guests came with the Griffin kids.  While Becky & Dave went to St. George, I tended. They slept at my house Friday night, but first I was busy taking them here and there, feeding them dinner, taking them to a movie, etc.  Everyone was good....everyone was easy.  Saturday was busy with kids coming and going...Ben to a tennis tournament, Eli to a service project, a soccer game for Ricky.  I tried to get a bit accomplished in my yard, but did not get far...still dragging.
Beck & Dave came home that night (Dave's birthday), raving about the good break they had had...after tasting a bit of their busy life keeping up with 5 kids and their busy schedules,  thought it could not have been long enough!
My last round of company came today....Trav and his family came to spend the night, with stuff going on tomorrow.  THey brought a LOVELY dinner with them, and served me.  So good!  It's been nice to have them and see their kids.  Wish I had more energy, tho.  Tomorrow at 12:30 they have tickets to the Payson Temple Open House and I will go with them.  Looking forward to that!

So what I really should do is a brief recap of the month of April.  It may seem redundant to most of you, since I  either see you or talk to you regularly and keep you updated, but I have, after many years, stopped keeping a journal.  Weird, I know, to quit now, but I figure there's a big enough record of my life.  Maybe TMI. So this will stand as my April Journal.

1-Phil and Kathryn's visit from Denver for Conference/Easter week.  We had some glorious days with the cousins especially enjoying each other.  Phil had to work a good part of the week, but still we had good times.  A visit to the Family History Discovery Center in Salt Lake, a trip up the Canyon for a campfire dinner, family dinners, an Easter egg hunt, our traditional visit to Pizza Pie CafĂ©, and of course, Conference.  Travis and Tammy made it up for the weekend, and it was good to have everyone together.

2-On that busy weekend, Mary & Trenton went with me up Provo Canyon, where I had been asked to talk to the youth of Gordon Creek Ward at their Youth Conference.  It was up at a lodge, and it was a good night.  So good (and always a little tender) to see those people I have loved.  Kim Martino invited me up.  She is serving as YW President, and to think there was a time when she was less active!  Her counselors were Linda Dimick, our old next door neighbor who was barely active, and another gal that had struggled to be active.  So good to see these good women serving!  The YM President was Alan Maynes.  After a lifetime of serving and working with youth, he shook his head at his present experience.  “It’s just hard,” he said.  “I don’t know what to do with the kids these days.  They are so busy they don’t have time for mutual, they don’t know how to work, they’re spoiled….I sympathized and remembered how Dad had struggled with his humble calling in YM after having been Bishop, Stake President, etc.  Some of the hardest work done in the church is in the trenches….by those not really recognized for their efforts.

3-Germany.  Just a few days after Phil’s family left, I left for Germany.  Mindy had worked hard to plan and execute an amazing road trip during my visit.  I arrived on a Wednesday, and by Thursday morning six of us were loaded in our van and on our way.  We drove south, up over the Italian Alps and into Florence Italy.  The sights were breathtaking.  I actually enjoyed the car travel.  It gave us time together…I had the kids close for those days, when usually they are so far.  Mindy had reserved a villa for us in this little sanctuary on the outskirts of Florence.  It was run by two Italian sisters, and it was lovely.  Truly felt the Tuscan spirit.  Our days consisted of museum visits, a guided tour through the Tuscan countryside, a visit to Piso, where we marveled at the Leaning Tower, various attempts at restaurant eating (with varied results with the children!)and of course, Sunday attendance at the local Mormon church.  We expected to find a little struggling Branch in Florence, but found a nice church, where we had to sit in an overflow, because the chapel was filled!  I figured they must host a lot of tourists.  They even had headphones ready for us so we could listen to the service in English!  I know some find it easy to skip church when they travel, but it’s always been extra important to me to remember my covenants when I am far from home and hoping for safety and protection.  When all things seem strange and new and different, it is reassuring to me that Heavenly Father is still there, ever constant, ever blessing me.
Did I mention the gelato in Italy.  Positively the most decadent and delicious dessert I have ever tasted.  It is like translated ice cream……oh so rich, oh so good.  We stopped for it somewhere every day we were there, sometimes twice a day!  I was terrified at the weight I was gaining, but stood by my old motto,
“Carpe Diem!”  Our last night in Florence was capped off by a cooking class we took from one of the sisters at the villa.  She cooked, of course, only with natural, unprocessed, fresh foods.  Everything seemed extra healthy, except for the COPIOUS amounts of olive oil she cooked with!  Anyway, we learned a lot about herbs and spices and everything else and it was great.  Then, we enjoyed dinner in their dining room, with Ben joining us.  All of this, mind you was in their villa, which dated back to like the 1600’s.  Wow.
On our way home from Florence, we swung out by the Mediterranean coastline and spent a night there.  Breathtakingly beautiful.  We visited the beach, enjoyed the quaint little towns, and took a ferry ride up the coast.  Mindy’s smartest move on this trip was to bring scooters for the two little girls.  They pushed their way around Italy on those scooters, never tiring, never falling behind.  Impressive that they were able to navigate through the many roads we walked, some quiet, some quite busy.  Then it was Friday, and we were headed home to Germany.  After a long day of travel, we arrived late at Mindy’s.  I got to bed just before midnight, only to arise at 4:30ish to get ready to go to the airport for my flight home.  Ben was the valiant soul who got up and drove me there. 
The trip was never to be forgotten….just a few observations about Mindy’s family:
BEN- Mindy did well marrying Ben!  He is ever good natured, every willing, ever accommodating.  He loves his children fiercely and serves them tirelessly. 
He is A GOOD MAN, and it gives me great comfort to know that Mindy is so well cared for.
MINDY-Does anybody else remember Mindy when she seemed a bit of a wimp?  I always said she acted as though she thought she was an only child, wanting special care and attention.  Well, she has emerged as a strong, capable, even tough woman!  Becky described her as intrepid, and that fits.  She walked and walked, never afraid to climb to the highest towers, to carry James on her back, to keep going and going and going.  This girl is a force to be dealt with.  She’s had the challenges of military life….of moving often, being in strange surroundings, etc, and they have made her strong.  Nice, Mindy.
EMILY-Emily is quiet, thoughtful, smart, logical, compliant, and so easy.  She is NOT the squeaky wheel (can you guess who is?) and she does not get the grease. But she seems happy, and she is good.  She touches my heart
CAROLINE- Gets greased frequently, cuz she squeaks loudly.  She’s illogical, unreasonable, independent, loud, and can be very uncompliant!  At the same time, she is a charming little pixie with an infectious smile and a VERY fun spirit.  Gotta love her.  She touches my heart, as well.
JAMES- “James-y Waymes-z,” as his family calls him, strikes the balance between his two older sisters.  He is generally easy, with streaks of difficulty.  He is a rough and tumble little boy but  beautiful to look at.  I was so glad to have that time with this little boy none of us know very well.  He is loving and fits perfectly into his family, who loves him so much.

4-Home to the states, where I struggled to recover from jet lag and this nagging sinus issue.  Various calendar items, including Relief Society Mettings, a Ward Breakfast, two last shifts at the Timpanogos Temple, a couple of family weddings, time with friends, a visit to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point with Amber and Hyrum, and a Book Club.  No wonder I am tired.

With that, I will close! Now I will be finalizing plans for  our trip to Cancun.

Details will be forthcoming.  Working on a Humanitarian opportunity for us.  Tell your kids to save some space in their suitcases (you, too)!  This should be quite the trip!  Thirty six  of us, with three vans,  and  hotel like accommodation.  These are the golden days.  Carpe Diem!

In Mexico

Hi everybody! Saludos de Mexico. Currently we are in the school where we will  be teaching English. Our host mother dropped us off at 8:50...but apparently we don't need to be here till 9:30, so we're taking a minute to write home.

It is HOT.  Last night the low was 73, and it probably didn't drop below 80 in our little concrete apartment (bedroom/hallway/bathroom). Apparently may is the hottest month of the year in's good. :) 

We are staying with an older woman named rosa. She doesn't have any children or a husband in her home, we dom't really know her story yet. There is another girl named Rachel also staying in the home. That was a little unexpected, but I think it will be good. She has been here for three months, and will be here for two more. It sounds like she hasn't especially enjoyed it because she's felt isolated in the home...but maybe we can help with that. Rosa, our host, is as sweet as can be, and has been hosting for 15 years. She said that Merida is extremely safe, and that people are moving here like crazy because of the tranquility in the city.

That's our room. We got two single beds pushed together. Nice.

We'll keep you updated as more adventures happen. Just wanted to let you know we are safe and sound and happy in Mexico.
Love you all!